Friday, May 15, 2009

Notes from 1st Frat House

Bite Your Tongue

Ever had the urge to cuss out the guy who just cut you off in traffic or give a piece of your mind to the telemarketer that called during dinner? Our mouths, or more so, our spoken thoughts, can lead us down a path that is not indicative of our relationship with Christ. James 3:7-10 talks about the very inability we have to control our mouths.

So what is the root of our spoken thoughts, our gossip, or our tongue lashings? Are they centered on us?

Our mouths often run away from us. Think back to the last time you let your mouth run rampant. What made you angry? How would your intended “target” respond if they knew you were a Christ follower?

Let’s be honest with ourselves and pull down the front we put up as men. James 3:13-16 talks about our earthly desires and how they take us down roads we should avoid. How often is jealousy or selfish ambition the root of our rants? How much better would our words be if we chose humility over ourselves?

James 3:17-18 talks about the good and pure things that come from a wisdom based in God, a wisdom that comes from God. Think back to those same situations. How does God’s wisdom look different from ours?

Peace is the next step. Restoration to those we love, care, and interact with is rooted in the wisdom that only a relationship with Christ can nurture and grow.

So how do you plan on sowing the seeds of peace?


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