Friday, May 15, 2009

Frat House Week 2

14 May 2009 Tampa Frathouse Meeting #2

Fight Club
Rule number one in Fight Club: there are no rules in Fight Club. That can be our first wrong assumption when we are dealing with quarrels and spats between us and those we care about. All’s fair in love and war should never apply either. As Paul discusses in James 4:1-3, the heart of the problem is our own hearts. Think about someone close to you: What was the root cause or issue during your last fight or argument? How would things be now if we only prayed with that person about what happened?
This world has all sorts of answers to how we should manage our anger or resolve a conflict. But does the world have more to with the problem than the answer? As we dig further, Paul talks about our own desire to be a part of this world. How can we befriend the world and still follow Christ? That answer is easy: we can’t! If we choose the world, we don’t choose God and His ways and values. So where are you wrestling with God’s control in your life? Is it your finances? Is it your lusts and affections? Is it your job and your money? Ask the touch question of yourself: why can’t I be humble in this area?
Verses 7 and 8 in James chapter 4 should hit us all right square in the chest. In order to be set apart from this world, we must remain in Christ through humility in our attitude, resistance to the temptations of this world, and finally purification of our hearts as we seek after God and his ways.
So where does your struggle lie? Humbling yourself before the awesome God who humbled Himself for you, or resisting the temptations of this world to seek after Him?


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