Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Last Frat House of the Spring
Friday, May 22, 2009
Week 3
Judgment Day
Have you ever told someone that they need to change something about the way they are living, but if you turned the mirror back on yourself, the reflection would be just as ugly?
James Chapter 4 has some very interesting commentary about our criticisms and judgments on others. When we cast judgment we degrade the trust and respect of those we care about, those we work with, those we attend church with. It breeds anger and bitterness and sets the focus on us. We become self-centered. As humans, especially the male species, we take credit when credit is due and shift the blame for failures from us to others. We define ourselves by successes and want to be recognized, but we blame others for failures and distance ourselves from responsibility and accountability. We JUDGE ourselves by our intentions, yet we expect others to live by their actions. It doesn’t work that way.
So what are you critical of?
What is something you take more credit for than you should and judge others based upon?
Our own self confidence can be a root of sin in our lives. Confidence is not bad, until it comes between us and the plans God has for us. Verses 13-16 of James 4 drive home our own earthly ways of over boasting about ourselves. Our own plans get in the way of Gods plans and then we doubt the plans of others. Instead of searching for the flaws in other’s plans, we must seek God’s and help others with theirs.
What does God want to use you for?
Where do you need to seek Him for your future plans and who can encourage you in those plans?
Ever been paralyzed by fear or failure and not done something for God or yourself? I have. It makes me want to punch myself in the face. James 4:17 says it all. It is written on our hearts at birth the inherent truths of living. When we come into relationship with God, those truths become even clearer, yet we tend not to listen to God sometimes. We challenge God all the time when our conscience, or more so, the Spirit, prompts us to do what is right.
What things do you need to be doing to serve God better?
What things don’t you need to be doing to serve God better?
What is the last thing God lead you to do and you didn’t?
What is God leading you to do now?
Life is full of decisions that we must make. When we are centered on God and His plans, we will always follow His direction and not ours. The both can coincide, I guarantee it. We just may not like the path to get there or the result, but remember that it is His.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Frat House Week 2
Fight Club
Rule number one in Fight Club: there are no rules in Fight Club. That can be our first wrong assumption when we are dealing with quarrels and spats between us and those we care about. All’s fair in love and war should never apply either. As Paul discusses in James 4:1-3, the heart of the problem is our own hearts. Think about someone close to you: What was the root cause or issue during your last fight or argument? How would things be now if we only prayed with that person about what happened?
This world has all sorts of answers to how we should manage our anger or resolve a conflict. But does the world have more to with the problem than the answer? As we dig further, Paul talks about our own desire to be a part of this world. How can we befriend the world and still follow Christ? That answer is easy: we can’t! If we choose the world, we don’t choose God and His ways and values. So where are you wrestling with God’s control in your life? Is it your finances? Is it your lusts and affections? Is it your job and your money? Ask the touch question of yourself: why can’t I be humble in this area?
Verses 7 and 8 in James chapter 4 should hit us all right square in the chest. In order to be set apart from this world, we must remain in Christ through humility in our attitude, resistance to the temptations of this world, and finally purification of our hearts as we seek after God and his ways.
So where does your struggle lie? Humbling yourself before the awesome God who humbled Himself for you, or resisting the temptations of this world to seek after Him?
Notes from 1st Frat House
Bite Your Tongue
Ever had the urge to cuss out the guy who just cut you off in traffic or give a piece of your mind to the telemarketer that called during dinner? Our mouths, or more so, our spoken thoughts, can lead us down a path that is not indicative of our relationship with Christ. James 3:7-10 talks about the very inability we have to control our mouths.
So what is the root of our spoken thoughts, our gossip, or our tongue lashings? Are they centered on us?
Our mouths often run away from us. Think back to the last time you let your mouth run rampant. What made you angry? How would your intended “target” respond if they knew you were a Christ follower?
Let’s be honest with ourselves and pull down the front we put up as men. James 3:13-16 talks about our earthly desires and how they take us down roads we should avoid. How often is jealousy or selfish ambition the root of our rants? How much better would our words be if we chose humility over ourselves?
James 3:17-18 talks about the good and pure things that come from a wisdom based in God, a wisdom that comes from God. Think back to those same situations. How does God’s wisdom look different from ours?
Peace is the next step. Restoration to those we love, care, and interact with is rooted in the wisdom that only a relationship with Christ can nurture and grow.
So how do you plan on sowing the seeds of peace?
Monday, May 11, 2009
Frat House Thursday May 14th
The Book of James... Chapter 4
1What is causing the quarrels and fights among you? Don’t they come from the evil desires at war within you? 2 You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. 3 And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Time to Rock and Roll
We are back in James this Thursday at 6:15am @ Davidsen. See you there and why not bring some friends!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Frat House Launches Thursday
Need some help hanging on? That is the why of FratHouse!