Friday, October 24, 2008

Week #3- Frat House Rewind

“Leadership is action, not position.” –Donald McGannon

This title is a very provocative quote. And leadership within our families and future families was the focus of this morning’s Frat House. Ephesians 5:21-24 shows us the definition of the roles of husband and wife in the marriage God created for us.

Submit, as defined by Webster’s, can mean “to defer or consent to abide by the opinion or authority of another.” But this can be such a hard word to live out as men, husbands, boyfriends, and fiancés. Our views of being submissive to our wives are so twisted that we sometimes cannot get over the difference between submission and leadership. They aren’t that much different.

Why do men have trouble submitting to their wives? (v.21)

Why would a wife have trouble submitting to her husband?

Leadership as husbands means submission to God’s will, submission to the ultimate service of our wives and children, and submission to the leadership role we have in our families. This means dying to ourselves and our needs. As we read Ephesians 5:25-29, we see that we must give up our own lives for our wives and our families, just as Christ did for the church.

Why is dying to our own needs so hard? Be truthful with yourself………..

Ephesians 5:33 sums up our role in our families perfectly. We must look for ways to build up our wives, serve her wholeheartedly, and not give up on our marriages no matter how far gone we think they may be. Next week is our last meeting in this run- hope to see you there.

Summary sunmitted by; Jeremiah McBride, aka- The Freak


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