Friday, October 31, 2008

Frat House Rewind- week 4

Guest post by Jeremiah, aka The Freak

Iron Sharpens Iron

As men, we a prone to falling on our own sword strictly because of pride. It is this pride that also sends us into defensive mode when we are confronted with things or events for which we know we have sinned. But as Christ followers, we must be open to constructive feedback and correction from those we know and trust. As we study Galatians 6:1-3, we need to know that confronting, or being confronted by, a fellow [man] follower of Christ is the only way to truly set paths straight on their way to God.

But, there can be any number of reasons why we hold back from talking to someone about their misgivings or shortfalls.

Why is it so hard to call someone out and why do we hold back?

One thing we must avoid when we are confronted by a fellow believer is the act of comparison. I have fallen victim to this many times. Someone points out a flaw in my life or attitude and I will immediately go into defense mode and point out how I am better than this or that person. It justifies us in our own minds and tries to shift the focus from the bad to the good. Galatians 6:4-5 says it the best: we must pay attention to our own behavior without comparing.

It’s difficult to avoid, but where do we tend to compare ourselves favorably to other?

Proverbs 27:17 gives us the best analogy for testing our mettle as men and as believers. We must focus on helping one another straighten out our crooked paths and sharpen one another’s skills as Truth spreaders.

We must continue beyond just Frat House to engage one another. When we do engage, we must be straightforward, yet humble. We must point out the weakness, but help strengthen our fellow man. We all struggle and fail. It’s the bumpers around us that help us stay up or, lack there of, that let us fall.


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