Monday, November 9, 2009

Forgive and Be Forgiven- Jeremiah McBride

Why is it so hard to forgive ourselves sometimes? Why is it so hard to forgive others at times?

These two questions can haunt us day and night and it is just the spiritual enemy getting in the way of our one on one with Christ. To examine the depths of these questions, we have to examine ourselves and what David sang about in Psalm 32. Why are we sorry? Is it because we were caught in something we did wrong, are we just sorry because we have to face the consequences, or are we truly sorry for causing pain to someone?

When we don’t forgive ourselves, it begs this question: do we truly believe in the healing and forgiveness of Christ? We are cleaned of our guilt so why do we hold on to it?

Guilt can be a task master if we do not control it. It soon becomes a mechanism against our ability to listen to the Holy Spirit. When we commit the same sin again, and maybe sometimes again, why do we let guilt take hold? We are not strong enough to beat our sin alone. We must rely on the amazing grace of Christ to cleanse us. When we get into habitual sin, that is something we cannot battle by ourselves, the guilt can become that task master and prevent us from truly moving forward to beat the repeat.

Confession is the biggest part of getting over our guilt, of beating the temptation to beat ourselves up. But it is bigger than mere words. It is an attitude change. It is a change in our focus from the guilt of the sin to the wonderful forgiveness and grace of Christ. It also comes down to us owning our sin, and then having the willingness to let it go.

So where do you see yourself? Are you struggling with guilt or struggling with forgiving? Try this:

- Instead of saying I’m sorry (which is easy to do), say, “Will you forgive me?”

- Instead of brooding over your guilt, confess the sin, get it off your chest, and move forward by not remaining stagnant

- Also, check out these other passages to help you this week:

§ Psalm 51- The How of Repentance

§ 1 John 1:9- The Promise of Forgiveness

§ Matthew 18:21-35- A Parable about Forgiveness (for those of us who need illustrations)

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