Friday, October 10, 2008

Week #1: We are Armor Bearers

Each week our guest blogger, Jeremiah aka The Freak will provide us a summary...

This week we focused on the battles that we face as men, whether it be the struggles we may have in our jobs, working to make a difference for Christ there, or whether we are at home alone, surfing the Internet on the wrong sites. Look in 1 Samuel 14:6-7 and imagine how we can be armor bearers.

As men, we also tend to escape our problems through other means: brain draining with the TV, shutting down emotionally, or just plain anger and aggression. Ask yourself this question: Under pressure-if you don’t engage and fight for what is right…..What do you typically do?

As we all know, Frat House is a safe place to enter into a deep discussion with other men so that we can work to be those armor bearers for them, and vice versa for us (and what is said at Frat House stays at Frat House). Who needs you to help them fight or encourage them to go for it? Read James 5:16 and you will see why Frat House is so vital to us as men.

Lastly, find an armor bearer, trust that they are there for you, and then begin to open up. But what about? If you just ask these 2 questions, you will begin taking your first steps towards letting that armor bearer, or bearers, stand behind you:

  • What battle are you in or need to fight?
  • How can we, the armor bearers, pray for you?

Until next week...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I don't fight back, I typically shut down and bite my lip. But I don't let it get swept under the rug for long, I've seen that destroy enough people & relationships.

I have a lot of guy friends who are in lots of battles-some they need to man-up and fight, some they need another perspective on. That's why I'm sold-out to this Frat House thing, b/c this is a place I know guys can/will be real w/ me about having similar struggles, and practical next steps. Its good to know I'm not the only one trying (but struggling) to live a Godly life.