Monday, August 25, 2008

Just Open the Door

Guest Blogger- Brian "da Bears" Heckman. Brian is making a huge difference in Tampa and he always challenges me to follow hard after Christ.

I used to cringe when I heard the word “evangelism”…I’d run the other way when my name was used anywhere near the word. Regardless of my feelings or reaction, though, I now “get” that God calls us all to fulfill His Great Commission. And, the grace-giving God He is, participating in making a difference has actually gotten, well, exciting.

Many of us attend churches regularly, but often miss God’s specific and individual call on our lives - to reach others for Christ. This call, the root of our faith, is why God tells us to gather on Sundays, and study the Bible, and fellowship with other believers. For many church-going people, I think we genuinely want to know ways we can practically participate in God’s work, and experience how alive and real God is.

In basketball “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. In business, “if you don’t ask for the business, you’ll never get it.” In our relationship with Christ, He’s told us many times that He’s got our backs (my paraphrase). But in order to move closer to Him, we have to make the move. Same with reaching others for Christ…we have to take the shot, or ask the question. If we don’t, God still completes His will, but just with someone else…and we miss our chance to experience Him.

I really grabbed hold of this “invest & invite” strategy taught at Church at the Bay. Its helped me really integrate God into my life, and encounter Christ in ways just as real as my “real-live” life experiences. I now know how real and alive God really is, right now…without requiring me to stand on the busy street corner screaming into a bullhorn while wearing a home-made billboard strapped to my chest informing people they need Jesus. I still don’t necessarily believe I have a gift of evangelism, but I’ve decided to let God figure that one out, while I continue acting on His nudge in my life.

Some ways we can “invest & invite” people in our lives:

  • Introduce yourself to someone new every Sunday at church. Ask them where they live, how long they’ve been coming to CATB, and how they heard about us. Remember their name, even if you have to write it down.
  • When co-workers ask how our weekend was, say something about church, rather than intentionally not mentioning it.
  • Carry the CATB business cards in your wallet. Leave them places, seek opportunities to use them like you use your own business card.
  • Become friends with people from church. Hang out with them regularly outside of church. It’s easy to invite & connect old & new friends in more casual settings.
  • Forward Christian-based (but non-churchy) emails about being a better father and/or husband to guys, and engage them in conversation about it.
  • Invite people to events/social gatherings that have nothing to do with church, God, or Jesus. God shows up where ever we invite Him, whether that’s a flag football field, happy hour, a dinner party, poker night, or beer & wings w/ the guys.
  • Invite someone to a HomeTeam. Invite that person that keeps coming to mind, but you think will say no. Open the door, and give God the opportunity to work.
  • Invite someone to church on Sunday. Sure, it’s a big deal, but it’s a bigger deal to have the answer they’re searching for, and not offer it to them.
  • Invite someone to Tampa Frathouse mens’ group. Invite that guy who won’t come to church w/ you, who thinks church is for a bunch of sissies. Invite the guy with the alcohol problem, whose marriage is on the rocks. Maybe he’s been praying to God for someone to introduce him to Him.
  • Make it a point to go the church baptisms. Be there for new believers who are taking their next steps.

Take time to talk with God in the mornings, asking Him to help you see opportunities in your day to participate in His work. Write down some of your experiences so you can look back on them after a month. Talk with Christ-following friends to keep each other encouraged.

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