Thursday, November 6, 2008


As you continue to meet on your own- here are some helpful questions to get the discussion started...

Accountability Meeting Questions

1. Have you spent time this week with God on a regular
2. Have you compromised your integrity in any way?
3. Has your thought life been pure?
4. Did you put yourself in an awkward situation with a
5. Are you giving to the Lord's work financially?
6. How have you demonstrated a servant's heart?
7. What was your biggest disappointment? How did
you handle it?
8. What was your biggest success? Did you thank God?
9. Did you control your tongue?
10. What are you wrestling with in your thought life?
11. Have you developed an unholy habit of grumbling
or complaining?
12. Have you been anywhere, seen anything, done
anything, or heard anything that is not Jesus honoring?
As you get used to the process add questions that may help your group.

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