Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Who is the Poser?

That is the topic we will chase on
. Thursday Morning at 6:15am,
. Davidsen Middle School...

. Want to read ahead...
Genesis 20 tells the story of a Poser... See you Thursday am.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this topic on Thurs. What are some practical Biblical application of how to deal with posers around me? I can't really call someone out w/o thinking that I'm judging them, when I'm often guilty of "posing" in areas myself. But sometimes I feel like I should "call out" someone right now, instead of just letting it slide (sometimes "good" people outright lie and don't think twice). So there's that line I face of keeping a friendship, or exposing truth, which will most likely blow a relationship out (most people not grounded in the Bible seem to get extremely defensive when their "dirt" is brought to light). Some of these relationships are "church" people, some are not...we're all posers in some arena, as you said. Thanks for what you are doing.

Hal Mayer said...

Thanks- heres my deal- I pose enough myself, I really don't spend time calling out posers unless they are close friends and I think they will listen. I will challenge them- but I only correct those I think I have influence on and have invited my feedback...