I am convinced that men today need an honest open forum to deal with the issues that challenge them.
We have decided to create such an environment at The Bay.
It is called Frat House and we will be discussing issues that challenge men today with straight talk from the Bible. Our discussion will be so frank that we will not record it.
So if you want to know what happens you will have to attend.
Our format will look like this:
- 6:15- Arrive and get some strong coffee and a donut
- 6:20- We will begin our discussion for the day. We will sit around the round tables in the cafeteria, about 6 men to a table. The leader will set-up the topic (about 10 minutes) and then the groups will wrestle with the application. There will be table champions at each table to keep the discussion going. We will do this several times. NO ONE will preach at you!
- 7:15- We will dismiss. We will not go over. This will allow everyone to plan their morning with confidence.
Want to know some of the topics we will be chasing? Well watch this blog for the next post!